HERE, YOU'LL FIND ANNOUNCEMENTS OF UPCOMING EVENTS and reports on events that took place previously. AONE club-sponsored events are indicated as such, and we’ve also included other automotive events that may be of interest to our members.


March 29 Hot!

AONE Movie Night - The Speed Merchants

Date TBA

Club Visit to New England Racing Museum in NH

May 3

Il Giro del Monadnock Tour

May 10

AONE Southeastern Massachusetts Tour

June 6 - 8

AONE Goes to Maine

June 27

The AONE Wachusett Region Road Tour

August 3

Tutto Italiano Concours at Larz Anderson

August 29 - September 1

Lime Rock Historic Festival - Concours Sunday, Italian Car Corral Monday

Date TBA

AONE Southern New England Tour

September 27

The AONE Cape Crusade

September 15 - 20

AROC National Convention

September 18 - 21

Alfas at the Glen

September 28

The Boston Cup - Concours on Boston Common

Date TBA

The AONE Berkshires Sortie