An interview with
Rick Lesniewicz
about your failing
Oil Vapor Separator
Sponsored by the AONE Shameless Commerce Division
OVERHEARD CAMS, the magazine of the Alfa Romeo Association (ARA), interviewed AONE member Rick Lesniewicz last September about his efforts in coming up with quality replacement Oil Vapor Separators (OVS). These are the little black gadgets in the engine bays of all Spica and Bosch cars, and they are all on their last legs of functionality after 30-40 years because they corrode internally. They are designed to remove engine blow-by oil from returning to your intake system and to return it to your oil sump where it belongs. A failed one is the equivalent of having the old "road draft tube" or crankcase vent piped directly into your fuel mixture. You may recall that Rick wrote a short article last summer about how to identify a failing OVS that appeared on our website.
ARA has graciously consented to allow us to reprint the interview that appeared in the September, 2020, issue of Overheard Cams. It's available as a PDF file that you can download and view and/or print.
Shameless Commerce Division content: Rick is producing kits that let you assemble your own high-quality replacement OVS. They're available now (for both Spica and Bosch Alfas) as an AONE Classified Ad.